Healthy blueberry thyme smoothie!
Abracadabra – delicious snack! Blueberry thyme smoothie healthy recipe
Why are easy smoothie recipes such great way to keep healthy?
Because they really so simple to make and packed with everything good for you! Have you been trying to add some fruits into your diet or maybe trying to shed a few pounds in your New Year’s resolution list? Delicious smoothie may just be the option how to introduce fruits and veggies into your diet the gentle way. Packed with antioxidants, vitamins, protein and fibre it’s a perfect choice to get these daily fruit portions it.
Personally, I don’t find it hard to eat raw fruits and veggies. I could actually live on these if too much of everything was actually not bad for you. But this is not not a case for everyone and sometimes it takes some creative ideas to actually enjoy healthy snacks. This is particularly the case if you have children and have been trying to get them eat some healthy snacks!
Smoothies are amazing!
The beautiful thing about smoothies is that they’re fresh, vibrant, filling and don’t only have to be made of fruits (fresh and dried!). You can use vegetables, nuts, herbs and non-dairy ingredients such soy or rice milk too! If you like to make your work lunches and healthy snacks in advance, they are also a great option. For those who have been making an effort to reduce waste, smoothies can easily be prepared at home and taken with you to work or for travel in a container. There are tons of easy and healthy smoothie recipes out there! You can mix and match, the options are endless!
My favourites – 5 delicious smoothie choices
Already tried the Frozen Yogurt Mango smoothie?
Or perhaps the Banana, Avocado and Spinach smoothie?
Oaty Peanut Butter and Honey smoothie?
And how about a Blueberry smoothie with a pinch of Thyme? The beautiful alternative to a snack, light dinner or part of your healthy breakfast!
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Blueberry smoothie with a pinch of thyme
What you’ll need:
- 1 banana
- 1 cup of fresh & frozen blueberries (every year in autumn blueberries grow in the forests and we go and handpicked them together with edible mushrooms. I then store them in the freezer because the actual forest grown blueberries are smaller but more rich in taste and definitely in colour!)
- 1/2 cup of fresh & frozen strawberries (the same thing here – I tend to buy nice strawberries in the shop if they seem a good quality but I also always have a supply of homegrown or locally grown strawberries I buy in summer and store in the freezer)
- 1/2 cup of raspberries (both fresh or frozen)
- a pint of soy milk (can be any milk you prefer from cow’s milk to coconut, almond or rice milk. I use soy milk because my intake of calcium rich milk is good enough on it’s own and soy milk is a good protein rich and low in saturated fat option)
- pinch of salt
- half a fresh lime squeezed
- few tips of fresh thyme (optional, thyme is usually added to clear cocktails but I like my herbs elsewhere so I put a few leaves even in the smoothie!)
- 1 tbl spoon of honey (optional for extra sweetness)
- 1 tbl spoon of peanut butter (I love peanut butter in general for the nutty flavour and source of protein. I tend to choose options with no added palm oil or sugar, usually I also look at the salt content. If adding a spoon to your smoothie no need o add the pinch of salt)
Preparation and storage
Blend it, add fresh fruits or a couple of cubes of ice & love it! Smoothies are best consumed fresh, however depending on the ingredients I find it can be stored in the fridge for up to 8 hrs and still taste great. Enjoy!
Have you enjoyed this recipe? Why not pin it for later to one of your Healthy Food or Easy Snack Recipes Pinterest boards!