
old pattern page



1900’s Vienna romance‘ pattern collection

“Whoever wants to know something about me as an artist which alone is significant, they should look attentively at my pictures and there seek to recognize what I am and what I want. ”
– Gustav Klimt

‘Celebrating Cultures’ pattern collection

The dusk and the poetry, family and faith, traditions and history.

“And every one of my heartbeats is a poem written for you.”

– arabic saying.

‘The Safe Place’ pattern collection

“To sit on rocks; to muse o’er flood and fell;
To slowly trace the forest’s shady scene,
Where things that own not man’s doinion dwell,
And mortal foot hath ne’er or rarely been!
To climb the trackless mountain all unseen,
With the wild flock, that never need a fold;
Alone, o’er steeps and foaming falls to lean;
This is not solitude: ’tis but to hold
Converse with Nature’s charms, and view her stores unrolled.”

– Byron.



‘The Colours of Africa’ Pattern Collection

‘Africa’ – stunning sunsets, majestic fauna and endless nature with profound produce.

africa collection inspiration